We know that as parents you enjoy knowing that your child is getting the attention and stimulation they need. That is why we make our daily notes to parents an essential in our programs. Each day your child’s teacher will use our online app HIMAMA to send you a personal reports and pictures on your child’s day. Including what they ate, how they slept, what activities they did and if they are in diapers a timeline of their changes. We know that this little bit of information will help you stay connected to your child and their daily happenings while in our care at The Giving Tree.
Communication is especially important to us. When we accept a new family into our business, we like to be sure we can openly share any concerns, questions, feedback, or discussions with each other. Sensitive issues are discussed in private. We publish a monthly newsletter that will explain some of the activities we are doing, events happening that month, our days off, & any other information that may interest you. You are always welcome to contribute to our newsletter. You are welcome to call us at any time between 6:30a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. We are looking forward to a terrific relationship with you and your child!