High-Quality Early Learning
and Child Care

Toddler Program

(Ages: 1 – 2 ½ years)

Children in their terrific twos require a safe and nurturing environment to grow. Our toddler classes offer a perfect balance of nurturing, playing, and learning to boost confidence and develop critical social skills.


  • improve gross and fine motor skills
  • develop receptive and expressive language
  • help her understand relationships with herself, her peers, and her loved ones
  • nourish her curiosity and enjoyment of activities and objects

Play = Learning

Experience has shown us that your child will jump right into the toddler classroom life because they will spend a lot of time doing what all children love - playing. Play provides immeasurable learning opportunities.  The structured play of our curriculum gives toddler teachers many ways to infuse skill building among all different developmental domains: physical, language, socio-emotional and cognitive. Our teachers lay a foundation for your toddler to eventually learn to play interactively with others.

By constantly listening, talking, describing objects and actions, and expanding your toddler's ever-growing vocabulary, your child's teachers will expose her to critical language building skills. They will also help your child develop self-control while recognizing a healthy expression of growing self-identity. Most importantly, toddler teachers interact with toddlers in a warm, enthusiastic, supportive respectful manner.


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The Giving Tree Learning Center
4230 S 164th St
Tukwila, WA 98188

Office: (206) 241-8200

Email: gtlc@live.com

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